November 14, 2023

Nature Exposure and Cardiovascular Outcomes in a Large Metropolitan Area – Role of Access to Nature

Living in a high NatureScore neighborhood can positively impact cardiovascular health, yet its accessibility plays a crucial role in determining its actual effect.

Role of Access to Nature

Research Abstract:

Nature Exposure and Cardiovascular Outcomes in a Large Metropolitan Area: The Role of Access to Nature

Preliminary research presented this month at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions conference in Philadelphia, found that "greenspace can positively impact cardiovascular health, yet its accessibility plays a crucial role in determining its actual effect".

For green spaces to be most beneficial to health, they need to be walkable

"Previous studies have suggested that simply living in neighborhoods filled with trees, grass and plants can reduce heart disease risk. For the new study, researchers explored the relationship between green space and cardiovascular risk factors and diseases by using two metrics: NatureScore, a composite measure of the amount and quality of nature, and walk score, which gauges how easy or hard it is to walk around a neighborhood."

Read more at The American Heart Association

About NatureQuant, LLC.

NatureQuant is a technology and research company that provides a suite of tools to monitor, quantify, and evaluate natural elements and exposure to nature. NatureQuant seeks to improve public health through the development of strategies and interventions for the use of such greenspaces through innovative technology. NatureQuant’s tools should encourage practitioners, policymakers, businesses, and individuals to consider how they can create, maintain, utilize, promote, and improve access to nature.

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